Saturday, February 12, 2011


I walk into the store and BOOM! it's a mind explosion of the candy heaven.There is so many types of candy that's there for me to buy.All of these types of candy that I never thought of.I erase my mind and start over with all my choices.I just take a big look at everything till I see something that catches me.It's like a book that has the hook that pulls in the reader;i look for the candy with a hook.I will be very picky on my candy,like what candy tastes good and how long will it last.It takes a good while when picking candy because there's so many things i like.I will pick the one's that seem to go with the mood I'm in like if I'm happy I'll choose something new.


  1. Love the description, "a mind explosion of candy heaven"!

    Tell me about what kinds of things catch your eye when you are looking at the shelves of candy.

  2. I look for different packaging that I haven't seen before even if I have tried it before I will look twice at cool packaging.

  3. What makes packaging cool, to you? If you could design something, what would it be/do?

  4. I think shiny with neon colors is cool, something that stands out....a different shape package or even plastic that makes it look different. that usually makes it stand out to me.

    I would design a minature aluminum or plastic can like a "mini-can" that would be metallic with bright neon colored graphics to hold indivdual pieces of candy like spree or smarties that could be closable and reused for other things.
